Messaging API

The Messaging API contains the methods to send sms and mms messages.

Client Initialization

Before using the sdk you must initialize a Client with your Bandwidth App Platform API credentials:

# Root import
import bandwidth
messaging_api = bandwidth.client('messaging', 'u-user', 't-token', 's-secret')

# OR for IDE goodness with auto completes
from bandwidth import messaging
messaging_api = messaging.Client('u-user', 't-token', 's-secret')

Example: Send Text Message:

message_id = messaging_api.send_message(from_ = '+1234567980',
                              to = '+1234567981',
                              text = 'SMS message')
# m-messageId

Example: Send Picture Message:

message_id = messaging_api.send_message(from_ = '+1234567980',
                              to = '+1234567981',
                              text = 'MMS message',
# m-messageId

Example: Bulk Send Picture or Text messages (or both):

results = messaging_api.send_messages([
    {'from': '+1234567980', 'to': '+1234567981', 'text': 'SMS message'},
    {'from': '+1234567980', 'to': '+1234567982', 'text': 'SMS message2'}

Example: Fetch information about single message:

my_message = messaging_api.get_message('m-na6cpyjf2qcpz6l3drhcx7y')

## {
##     'callback_url'             :'',
##     'direction'               :'in',
##     'from'                    :'+19193047864',
##     'id'                      :'m-messageId',
##     'media'                   :[],
##     'message_id'               :'m-messageId',
##     'skip_mms_carrier_validation':True,
##     'state'                   :'received',
##     'text'                    :'Hey there',
##     'time'                    :'2017-02-01T21:10:32Z',
##     'to'                      :'+19191234567'
## }